Herringbone & Stripes Wall Makeover

wall makeover


After Gold Stencilling my downstairs lounge which you can see here i decided that the  upstairs lounge needed a makeover too. And being the biggest fan of herringbone obviously that was the first design that came to my mind. I wanted to use two shades of grey one was a bit lighter in color then the one you can see in the picture but my paint store didnt have it in stock and since i have zero patience to wait i went ahead with the only grey color they had available.

But now when i think of it I’m happy in a way because the silver stripes which were already painted on my wall gave it the two toned effect that i wanted. Initially my plan was to cover up the stripes and then start the herringbone from scratch thank god i didn’t because i love the results with the silver stripes.

procedureThats how the wall looked before i just recently painted these vertical stripes like a few months back but they still seemed bare. I varied the width of the stripes some being thick then the others and that made the herringbone even more interesting. So i started off taping the wall i think i taped about 8 vertical lines and since i had the horizontal stripes already in place it made it much easier for me to tape it off straight.

procedure 2Then i just went along and taped the herringbone pattern i tried to make it as even as possible with the level of patience i possess. And before painting it grey i went over the tape and applied the base color of my wall all over the tape so to seal everything in. I waited half an hour before i went ahead and applied the grey color.

tape offTwo coats of grey and half and hour later i started taking off the tape when it was still a bit wet. I wasn’t really sure how the stripes would look peeking through the herringbone pattern but i think it actually turned out good.

herringbone wall

I didn’t  cover the entire  wall just the area where the niche started and finished because i think doing the whole wall grey would have made the lounge look smaller and darker. To give you a before and after this is how the lounge looked before and how it looks now.

herringbone walll

What do you guys think?

Linking to

Make it Pretty Monday

Feathered Nest Friday

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